That can be one of the most difficult decisions you’ll ever make. At Bishop Rehabilitation and Nursing Center, we’re helping you to make that choice as staff and residents speak out about their experiences.

The team

Tony Callipari, Physician Liaison
“I look forward to seeing our residents every day. I take care of them. I schedule them for their appointments to make sure that they’re getting the things that they need. They’re able to get back into society and back out as soon as possible.”

Jessica Mitchell, Social Worker
“I love to come to work every day. The best part of my job is seeing people transition back out to the community and continue to live the lives that they lived before coming here.”

Jerkara Burwell, Activities Director
Residents tell me all the time how happy they are here, how much they look forward to all of our programs that we put together. It’s just an awesome place to be.

The residents

“I’ve seen a huge difference in myself. I’m stronger, more viable, they’re very friendly, they’re very helpful. It feels like a family.”

“What’s my favorite thing? When we get together and everybody’s having a good time and we go outside and get some fresh air. I love it. They have a program that they do exercise, but it doesn’t seem like exercises because it is so much fun.”

“My favorite thing about the Bishop Center is the type of people that work here. They have a genuine interest in helping their residents, and they know their job very well. They do an excellent job.”

For Care that Moves You and Rehab with Results, choose Bishop Nursing and Rehabilitation Center.